Terms of use and disclaimer


By using our service, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

Copyright compliance

  • Personal use only: Our service is intended for personal use only. You can convert YouTube videos to MP3 for your private listening. Using the converted content for commercial purposes or distribution is strictly prohibited.
  • Respect copyright laws: Ensure that you have the right to download and convert the content. Our service should not be used to infringe on copyright laws. Always respect the intellectual property rights of content creators.
  • Legal content: Only use our converter for content that you are legally allowed to download and convert. If you do not have permission to use the content, please do not use our service to convert it.

User responsibility

  • Compliance with laws: You are responsible for ensuring that your use of our service complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes respecting copyright and intellectual property laws.
  • No unauthorized use: Do not use our service to download or distribute copyrighted content without permission. This includes music, videos, and any other protected material.


Our service is provided as-is. We do not take responsibility for any misuse of the content converted using our service. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of the service is legal and compliant with all relevant laws.

Thank you for using our yt to mp3 converter. By following these terms, you help us maintain a legal and respectful service. If you have any questions about our terms of use, please contact us.